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Genevieve Black: 'How I Found My Fire'

Updated: Nov 30, 2018

A tell-all about the one and only Genevieve Black and how she's taking over the world.

Oozing with abundance and passion, Genevieve Black implements soul and serendipity into her life outside of modelling and tells Valencia how she found her spark.

Our November installment of Valencia stars the glittering Genevieve in all her glory, with a look into her relentless battles in the modelling industry and how she stays on top of her duties.

Family life

Genevieve was born and raised in the sunny seaside town of Southend with her mum Joan and younger brother Lewis. As part of a single parent family, Genevieve states that the hardest part of growing up wasn't the growing up part, it was the rate at which she had to do so and the maturity that had to be developed at a rapid pace to help her mother. Genevieve speaks very openly and courageously about the loss of her father when she was an infant and how growing up without a dad "takes away a little piece of her heart every day". Genevieve felt as though being a second mother for her younger brother, Lewis 15, enabled her to blossom into the independent person she is now, but it wasn't as easy as first planned. Lewis' uphill battle with autism meant that, alongside being a guardian for him, she was also allocated as his teacher and says that the time where she taught him to learn were some of the most challenging tasks to date. Genevieve adds that when she was teaching Lewis, as he grew out of infancy, she can clearly remember a quote that her mum used to say to her.

"If they cannot learn the way we teach, we teach the way they learn" - Joan Black


As a way for her mind to relax and unwind, Genevieve would read through her mother's magazines and be awestruck by the models on the front page. She states that she clearly remembers the excitement that was "cast across her body" when being informed that the latest issue of Elle Magazine had been released and would beg her mother to purchase it before they sold out. Her fascination of the modelling industry transitioned into passion and enabled Genevieve to see her pathway though life as very bright and very successful.

Why modelling?

Genevieve tells Valencia that modelling has enabled her to view life from a different perspective, from a way where she has see the beauty in all situations. Genevieve said that even when brands would put her in the most horrific of outfits, she was able to bring light and life to the photograph. As a woman in the industry, G said that it can be really difficult to get her opinion across to take control of the shoot, stating that when she first started as a young, vulnerable girl, not only was it confidence that she lacked but an ability to voice her ideas and thoughts about her concerns with the shoot. She has later discovered that "the moment you find that spark inside your gut, you can do anything"

Genevieve shares that womanhood is something that makes her proud and her biggest inspiration is her mother.

"My mum is someone that has never stopped, shes a powerful presence that lady, she taught me that i can do whatever i desire, and i have to say, i believe her."

Our November cover stars Genevieve with more exclusive information about how she made it in the dog-eat-dog industry and what makes her tick.


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